Learn all about Caprice and what we stand for
Caprice Artistic Swim Club is located in British Columbia, Canada. Training locations vary around the lower mainland. Caprice was founded by Jean Peters and Lorraine Rowland in 1972 on a whim, hence the name ‘Caprice’. Since then, the club has continued to grow and prosper.
The club offers recreational, competitive, adaptive and a masters program.
The Executive team is composed of parent volunteers who keep the business side of the club running smoothly.
Our coaches create a culture that all athletes are proud and excited to be a part of.

At Caprice Artistic Swim Club, we aspire to develop versatile athletes and challenge them to reach their full potential, in an open and supportive environment.
Our club wants to inspire athletes to strive for their own personal excellence and guide them to be independent and self-motivated individuals who can succeed in all aspects of their life.
Our goal is to help nurture our athletes' love for the sport through building a lifelong relationship between peers, coaches, and themselves.

Read all about our mission and motto
We believe in a “Holistic” or “Whole Person” approach to athletics. We inspire our athletes to push for their goals whether they be short or long term.
We take pride in the athletes that we produce. Our athletes attack life with determination, respect, teamwork, and positivity.
Caprice is open to all backgrounds, religions, sexes, and athletic abilities. Our mission is to support the goals of all of our athletes and do everything we can to help them achieve those goals.