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From club policies to packing lists to the basics of artistic swimming terminology and hair gelling, find out all about our sport and our club below!

  • What is this new RAMP Registration System?
    Canada Artistic Swimming (CAS) is the governing body for artistic swimming in Canada. As of September 1 2024 they have joined with a new registration technology partner, RAMP. Registration for Caprice Artistic Swim Club, and every other club under CAS's purview, will be through RAMP. All swimmers, and by extension their parents, will need accounts and profiles in the new system. Registration with CAS and BC Artistic Swimming (BCAS) is required of all participants so that they may all be covered by the related insurance policies. The access to this new system was provided to clubs in mid August. If you registered for Fall 2024 before this time - you will need to create a RAMP account and resubmit your details and complete the waivers and policy documents. This is not something that can be done for you from the club side. For the moment, as of Aug 17 2024, all Caprice swimmers will register under the category of "Short Term Recreational" . As we get teams set and confirm who will be attending competitions, Caprice will adjust your CAS registration and invoice you for the difference. CAS upgrade, BCAS Fees, Caprice Fees & Deposits and monthly swim fees will continue to be invoiced directly by email through QuickBooks Online (QBO). It is not expected that this change in registration systems will have any affect on swim fees.
  • Where can I buy specialized equipment?
    Artistic Swimming does not require a lot of expensive equipment to get started. A 1-piece bathing suit, goggles, Swim Cap and nose plug. The most specialized piece is the nose plug. For practice, as long as it keeps the air in and the water out, it is perfect. For competition, you will want one that is low profile and muted in color. If you are looking locally for swim equipment - please use our club discount card in-person at Team Aquatic - North Vancouver, or Richmond.
  • Where is your Schedule?
    As of September 2024 we have our pool contracts until December 2024. Detailed team schedules are available here ---> With the closure of CG Brown Pool, our pool times and locations are dynamic. Please check the schedule carefully each month.
  • What are the Monthly fees?
    As a not-for-profit member run organization - we aim to keep our fees as low as possible. Our fees are based on the coaching costs, pool costs, club membership, and team counts. As such, the cost changes month to month. Fees are calculated, invoiced, and paid monthly. Recreational RecBlue or RecYellow - 8-12yrs old- Two very similar training groups - meet 2 hrs. Week - Fees are $7.50 - $10/hr Synchrocise - 19+ - Adults training for fitness and sport introduction, popular with Parents to learn the sport to better relate to their child.- meet 2 hrs / week - Fees are $7.50 - $10/hr Masters Recreational - Add on to Synchrocise - more work on choreography to present to the Club. - Extra 1hr / week - Additional $10-15/hr Provincial LimitedCompetitive - 9-14yrs - First year out of Rec, Introduction to competitive format, Compete twice in the year - 2 Practices / week - total of 5-6 hrs - $7.50 - $15/hr Provincial13-15 - 13-15yrs old - 4-5 Competitions/year, required more commitment, placement is skill dependant - 3-4 days/week - 10-12 hrs/week - $7.50 - $15/hr Provincial16-20 - 16-20yrs old - 4-5 Competitions/year, required more commitment, placement is skill dependant - 3-4 days/week - 10-12 hrs/week - $7.50 - $15/hr MatersPurple & MastersOrange - 19+ - Two Adult training groups with variations in competitiveness and age. - 4hrs/week - $10-15/hr. Solos / Duet Solo - An Add-on to another training group - 1-2 hrs/week - $40/hr Duet - An Add-on to another training group - 1-2 hrs/week - $25/hr
  • What are the Start Up fees?
    We have Fees and Deposits that are invoiced at the time of registration. Fees (Non-Refundable): Canadian Artistic Swimming (CAS) : $3 (Short Term Recreational) - $56(Competitive) BC Artistic Swimming (BCAS) : $2 (Short Term Recreational) - $89 (Competitive) Caprice Club Fee: $25 Deposits: AGM Attendance: $100 Safe Sport Training: $25 Volunteer Participation : $100 - $200 Deposits may be redeemed with your attendance, proof of completion, and club life participation. Monthly swim fees - This fee varies with the training group and is billed & paid monthly. Competitive teams only: Meet fees - Billed & paid in advance of the meet. These fees are set by BCAS, not Caprice. Travel Costs for Coaches - Only for out-of-town meets. Compiled and billed to swimmers after the meet. Competition Bathing Suits - Expect to pay $140-$200/suit. Club Uniform & Bathing Suit - T-shirt, Jacket, Practice Suit, Cap - Expect to pay $200-$250
  • What is Club Life?
    Our Club is not-for-profit and volunteer run. Parent and swimmer participation is essential to keep our programs running. This participation can take many forms. Member of the Board Team Parent Organizing Club wide events and celebrations Chaperone on Out-of-City Competitions Participating in Meets as a - Scorekeeper, Runner, Registration Review, Hospitality & Security, Set up, Take-down, Announcer, Music Control. Administrative support for Equipment and Supply ordering. Parents pay a deposit at the beginning of the year and redeem that deposit towards swim fees as they participate in Club Life.
  • What swim level is required for enrollment in the recreation program?
    As a requirement of our pool contract with the City of Burnaby, all swimmers must be at least 8 yrs old and able to complete 50m unassisted in the water. It doesn't have to be pretty or fast, but you have to be able to do it on your own.
  • What is SafeSport?
    As part of its commitment to prevent and address maltreatment in sport, Sport Canada requires its funded organizations to have training in safe sport practices available to all who fall within their immediate authority. The Safe Sport Training module from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is available at no cost to our members and meets the minimum standards for mandated safe sport training for Sport Canada-funded organizations. It comes with additional tools and resources to help you embed Safe Sport principles throughout your organization To register for the training To confirm previous participation (uses Last Name and Locker#) Completion of the SafeSport training is required for at least one member of every participating family. Submit a copy of your transcript or Last Name & Locker# to redeem your Safe Sport Deposit.
  • I have lost my SafeSport completion information. Now What?
    Navigate to Enter your email address, if you remember which one you used or Select "I don't remember my email" Enter your Name and Birthday to recover your NCCP#. With your newly recovered NCCP# and your name, navigate to and enter your details. Your Transcript will appear as a result. Submit this Transcript by email to to redeem your SafeSport Deposit.
  • How do I pay my fees?
    Fess can be paid by eTransfer to or by making a deposit directly to our account at your local VanCity branch (less convenient) We do not have any facility to accept credit cards.
  • I am missing a form that was sent out. Where can I get another?
    Links to recent forms
  • What is happening with the new pool near Burnaby Lake?
    August 13 2024 From Instagram ventanaconstructioncorp Aug 13 2024 🚧 New Project in Burnaby: Burnaby Lake Recreation Complex! 🚧 We’re thrilled to announce the start of construction on the Burnaby Lake Recreation Complex (BLRC), designed to enhance recreational opportunities for the community. Spanning 171,000 sq. ft., the complex will feature an advanced aquatic center with a 50-meter, 10-lane pool, a 25-meter leisure pool, and seating for 750 spectators—ideal for competitive and recreational swimming. With green energy heating for the pool, we're committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The BLRC will include an NHL-sized ice rink with seating for 270 spectators, offering a modern venue for ice sports enthusiasts. An at-grade pedestrian crossing will connect the complex to the Christine Sinclair Community Centre, prioritizing accessibility and community integration. This design-build project is set to become a key part of Burnaby’s vibrant community life, supporting local talent and promoting active lifestyles for years to come. Stay tuned as we build a space for Burnaby to thrive! 🌟 . #VentanaConstruction#Ventana#BuildingTheFuture#BurnabyLakeRecreationComplex#Sustainability#CommunityFirst#DesignBuild#Burnaby#BurnabyBC#BurnabyConstruction#RecComplex#BurnabyLake#RecreationComplex#NHLRink#Pool#GreenEnergy#GreenEnergyHeating _______________________________________________________________________________________ April 29 2024 Burnaby City Council decided to proceed with awarding the construction contract for BLRC. This means that activity will start this summer at the site including completing the demolition of C.G. Brown Pool and civic works around the site. Staff will be working on mitigating potential impacts on user group’s activities and on the community programs throughout the design and construction stages. Once these impacts are identified, solutions will be explored in collaboration with the user groups. Stay tuned for more information as the project progresses and more detail become available for the separation work of BCSC from Burnaby Lake arena. Update from Kimberly Suhr, City of Burnaby _____________________________________________________________________________________ Update posted Dec 12 2023 - Burnaby City Council approved the staff RECOMMENDATION Option 1 for the Burnaby Lake Recreation Centre, as outlined in the report titled “Burnaby Lake Recreation Complex Project Update” dated December 11, 2023 with a design and construction cost estimate of $240,900,000 (excluding GST) Details of this plan can be found in this video of the council meeting from Dec 11 2023. Discussion of the recreation project begins at the 1:03:35 mark of the recording, ending with the vote at the 1.32.54 Aquatic Highlights, 3 pools - 50m, 25m+Leasure, Hot tub Diving Tower & Boards Seating for 750 spectators Sized for Provincial Competitions ( per Swimming Canada regulations) Pre-constructions begins SPRING 2024 Construction Complete Q4 2027 Update posted Dec 12 2023 -
  • How do I get on the waitlist?
    All swimmers must be registered through RAMP, This is also how to access our WAITLIST. Any offers of open spots will be given to RAMP registered swimmers.
  • Caprice Club Information and Policies
    Caprice Handbook - Sept 1, 2024 CASC Policy Manual For Parents and Athletes Caprice Waivers Package - 2023.2024 BCAS Conduct Policy CASC Code of Conduct Athlete Expectations Travel Waiver CASC Policy Manual For Coaches CASC Bylaws - December 2018 CASC Hardship Policy - Trial for 2023/2024 Season CASC Injury Protocol CASC Return to Sport Sheet Concussion Policy Concussion Protocol SCAT- 5 BCAS Injury Report Form Fainting in Artistic Swimming Volunteer and Screening Policy Discipline and Complaints Policy Appeal Policy Privacy Policy CASC AGM - October 2022 - Minutes - Approved Oct 15 2023 CASC AGM - October 2023 - Minutes - Approved Oct 7 2024 CASC AGM - October 2024 - Minutes - PENDING APPROVAL - Oct 7 2024
  • Parent Sport Information
    Parent's Guide to Artistic Swimming Long Term Athelte Development Athlete Development Programs Respect in Sport for Parents
  • Technical Information
    Canada Artistic Swimming Rulebooks BC Artistic Swimming Technical Information Page Long Term Athlete Development
  • Practice Packing List
    Recreational Yoga Mat Skipping rope Water bottle Cap Goggles Nose Clip Adaptive Yoga Mat Water bottle Cap Goggles Nose Clip ​ Synchro School, 11-12 PS and 13-15 PS Yoga Mat Skipping rope Water bottle Cap Goggles Nose clips (at least two) Theraband Foam roller or tennis ball Toe bands 10 or 20L collapsible water jug Notebook and pen ​ National Stream Yoga Mat Skipping rope Water bottle Cap Goggles Nose clips (at least two) Theraband Foam roller or tennis ball Toe bands 10L or 20L collapsible water Ankle weights Notebook and pen ​ Masters Yoga Mat Water bottle Cap Goggles Nose Clip ​
  • Competition Packing List
    Synchro School ​ Figures Caprice T-Shirt Black leggings Black Workout Shorts Black Swim Suit White Swim Cap Noseclips (2) Goggles Towels (2 or 3) Water Bottle Flip Flops Runners Socks Speedo Purple Back Pack (Optional) ​ Routines Competition Suit & Bun Cover Make-Up and Hair Gelling Supplies Shampoo & Conditioner Towels (2 or 3) Water Bottle Flip Flops Runners Socks Speedo Purple Back Pack (Optional) ​ PS and NS Competitive ​ Figures Caprice Jacket Caprice T-Shirts Black leggings Black Workout Shorts Flip Flops Speedo Back Pack Black Figures Suit White Swim Cap Noseclips (2) Goggles Notebook and pen Towels (2 or 3) Water Bottle Thera band Toe bands Yoga Mat Tennis Ball Runners Socks ​ Routines Caprice Jacket Caprice T-Shirts Black leggings Black Workout Shorts Flip Flops Speedo Back Pack Club Suit Caprice Swim Cap Black Figures Suit White Swim Cap Noseclips (2) Goggles Notebook and pen Competition Suit & Bun Cover Make-Up and Hair Gelling Supplies Shampoo & Conditioner Towels (2 or 3) Water Bottle Thera band Toe band Yoga Mat Tennis Ball Runners Socks National Stream Travel Packing List
  • Hair Geling 101
    Additional Supplies Needed Mini crock pot to heat gel Brush for gel application (Hands are also a great option) Hair Supplies Tight hair elastics Mini elastics for braids Bobby pins V pins Hair net Comb Spray bottle How to make a synchro bun 1. Wet hair throughly 2. Brush and comb hair throughly 3. Brush hair back into a tight pony tail on the crown of the head 4. Make 3-4 braids from ponytail (number of braids depends on thickness of hair) 5. Wrap braids into a bun and use V pins to secure bun * Do the shake test- how does the bun feel when you shake your head? Solid? Good! 6. Pin in hairnet using bobby pins 7. Melt 1-3 gel pucks in a mini crock pot 8. Apply gel with brush or hands and instantly comb out for first layer to ensure gel is smooth 9. Blow dry hair after each layer of gelling 10. Apply 3-4 layers of gel depending on thickness
  • Artistic Swimming Glossary
    FINA Artistic Swimming Manual FIGURES Figure: A combination of basic body positions and transitions, performed in a manner and order as prescribed by the FINA Handbook rule descriptions Figure Design: The accuracy of positions and transitions as specified in the figure description Figure Control: Extension, height, stability, clarity, uniform motion, unless otherwise specified in the figure description. Figures are executed in a stationary position (unless otherwise specified in the figure description) Extension: The amount, degree or range to which something can be stretched to its fullest length. Use of muscular strength to enhance the stretch FINA Figures 2017-2021 A composition consisting of strokes, figures and parts thereof, choreographed to music Solo, Duet, Mixed Duet and Team must perform the Free Routine, which may consist of any listed figures, strokes and / or parts thereof to music. Free Routines have no restrictions as to the choice of music, content or choreography. Solo, Duet, Mixed Duet and Team must perform the required elements described in the Appendix VI of the FINA Handbook. The required elements are selected by the TASC every four (4) years, subject to approval by the FINA Bureau Deck Work: Movements performed by the athletes on the pool deck before they dive in Pattern: Refers to formations made by the spatial relationship between members of a team Pool Pattern: The pathway the swimmer(s) take(s) through the water Eggbeater: With the body in a relatively vertical sitting position, the lower limbs move alternately, as the left foot moves clockwise, and the right foot moves counter clockwise. The technique of the eggbeater kick provides continues propulsive force for swimmers to maintain the high of the head and upper body above the water Body Boost: A rapid, headfirst rise, with a maximum amount of the body above the surface of the water Acrobatic movements (also referred to as "highlights"): A general term for jumps, throws, lifts, stacks, platforms, etc., which are performed as spectacular gymnastic feats and/or risky actions, and are mostly achieved with assistance from other swimmer(s) Synchronisation: To swim or execute movements in unison, one with the other and the accompaniment Free Routine Examples Technical Routine Examples JUDGING Artistic Impression: An effect, image or feeling retained as a result of demonstration of skill and good taste of the swimmer(s) Difficulty: The quality of being hard to achieve Execution: Refers to the performance level of the skills demonstrated
  • Nutrition
    Nutrition Recommendations Great nutrition can make a difference in performance. An effective nutrition plan is critical to the success of athletes at every stage of their development. Everyone is different and has different needs. Don’t compare yourself to other athletes. ​ THE BUILDING BLOCKS CARBOHYDRATE (CHO): A source of fuel for the muscles before, during, and after a performance. PROTEIN: Building and repairing muscle, tissue, and boosting immunity. Put high-quality protein choice at all meals and snacks (meat, fish, nuts, high protein vegetables, milk, yogurt, bars with at least 10G of protein as a last resort). WATER WATER WATER At training: High in carbohydrates, nutrient, accessible, easily digestible Sufficient in CHO and protein, to optimize training performance. Consideration of the timing of meals and snacks To help prevent GI upset, avoid large quantities of food, high fiber, and gas-producing food ( raw vegetables for example) Pre-competition Promote CHO availability Promote well-hydrated state Availability of familiar foods Moderate protein and fat Relatively high in CHO and fluids Have planned snacks Don’t test new restaurants or new food close to a competition During competition: CHO should be available to sustain blood sugar Fluids should be available to avoid dehydration Athletes should consume CHO and fluids at fixed time intervals. Pre-event meal Easy to digest 500-1000 kcal High in CHO Low fat and fiber Avoid gas-forming food Plenty of fluids Familiar food Post competition: Goals: Replenishment of fluids and muscle glycogen Avoidance of excess muscle soreness Recovery nutrition plan: High-quality protein choice Nutrient-rich, CHO foods with a moderate-high glycemic index, for muscle glycogen synthesis as well as a protein choice. ​ Example of nutrient-rich CHO and Proteine food: Breakfast cereals with low-fat milk Hummus on toast Fruit salad with yogurt Bagel with peanut butter Fruit smoothie Low-fat chocolate milk Meat and vegetable stir fry with noddles Sandwich with meat and salad Fluids: Athletes must have water at training! A very neglected essential nutrient, an athletes body is made of 60-75percent of water Water is an excellent way to stay hydrated and replace fluids lost through sweat.

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